This year we got to ring in the new year in Traverse City, Michigan! The Woodworth-crew-at-large traveled way up there to celebrate my brother Ben's wedding. He and Libby are a lovely couple and we had a wonderful time preparing for and participating in their special day.
So welcome to the family, Libby and happy new year to all of you!
Every once in a while life slows down just long enough to catch your breath and pause for a moment or two. We were given that opportunity this weekend by the 6+ inches of snow that swirled around us here in Norfolk. Our little corner of the world in southeast Virginia is not accustomed to, nor equipped for, such events. We found ourselves rather "snowed in" this weekend with all activities canceled and a rare pair of days to just relax and "be." Granted with two small children, life can only be so quiet and relaxed - still we've thoroughly enjoyed the deep breath and the chance to play and sit and play some more without so many tasks crowding in around us.
Yesterday we met Tatum, Carter, and their families outside and rolled around in the snow for as long as Elise's little fingers and toes would allow it. Just before the toddlers started to turn into popsicles we all piled inside to enjoy some hot chocolate and graham crackers and thaw out a bit. Other highlights of the weekend have included: making lemon bars with Elise, Josh getting the chance to work on recording, me having the time to work on the kids' pictures and baby books, taking an early morning walk in the snow to our new local diner for breakfast, and of course building a snowman! (and a snow turtle as well!)
Even at the age of 31, there's still something rather wonderful about a snow day!!