case you're checking in after receiving our Christmas's the unabridged version of our family updates!

ELISE is a very sweet and thoughtful big sister. She loves to sing and dance and play dress up and make believe. Elise goes to pre-school twice a week and really loves it. (though it took a few months to settle in!) Her personality is quite the mix of Josh and I - Bossy/Caring Big Sister meets Funny/Inquisitive/Know-it-all Big Brother! She and Caleb play beautifully together and we enjoy listening to their silly conversations and watching them have fun.

CALEB brings a smile to everyone's face with his charming (and goofy) smile and fun-loving personality. He is very chatty and we all love his cheery banter. He likes to pretend to go to work and is in love with all things mobile - cars, planes, trucks, construction vehicles, etc...
He takes very good care of "chubby Lucas" as he affectionately calls his little brother and likes to check in and give him kisses and make sure he's "healthy" throughout the day.

LUCAS is ten weeks old already and seems to like being a part of this wild crew. He gives us big smiles and is just starting to be "talkative" when we play with him. He really is "chubby, bigger" as Caleb says - weighing in at around 12 pounds and gaining an additional chin every week!
Everyone seems to be settled in and content with life here in Sicily. Elise and Caleb are learning some Italian and are getting more used to being swept up and kissed by strangers everywhere we go. Our neighbors take really good care of us and we're enjoying making new friends and getting to know our way around this lovely island.
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