Thursday, April 19, 2012

Buon Pasqua.

Here's a photo review of some of our Easter festivities and some Italian traditions, too.

Our play group got together for an Easter party and the kids got to dye eggs for the first time this year.

Elise in her Easter dress with the giant flower Josh and the kids picked for me. Somehow we managed to miss a photo op of the boys in their matching dress shirts. :)

Caleb bites into the giant Uova di Pasqua that he got from our babysitter, Miss Santa. Caleb had a little pony stuffed animal inside his egg and Elise had a furry orange wallet.

Collure con L'uovo - Our traditional Italian Easter bread made by the pasticerria in Motta. (under the icing flower there is a baked/hard cooked egg) The tradition of giving Easter bread to friends has now mostly been replaced by the giving of chocolate eggs.

The recipe! (well, sort of.)

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