Saturday, January 17, 2015

week three


Elise:  The kids are signed up for a local event called “Read, Right, & Run” with the idea that for each week over a 26 week period they will run one mile, read (at least!) one book, and do one act of kindness.  The culminating event is a one mile run around Forest Park with thousands of kids from around St. Louis to complete this “marathon” of activities.  This week our act of kindness was making vases for teachers at school to say “thanks a bunch” (of flowers!) for all you do.  My sweet girl, hard at work…always so earnest. 

Caleb:  Runs in the door after school and can barely give me a hug OR unpack his backpack before he’s involved in some creative endeavor.

Lucas:  This has to be one of my absolute favorite doodles by our Lulu!  It’s from a few months ago, but I found it in a pile of things I was putting away this week and it made me smile.

Eden:  In love with stickers these days and grinning away after Caleb “caught” her sticking them all over herself.

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