Sunday, January 25, 2015

week four


Elise:  Lots of Saturdays have been dedicated to "settling" in here lately.  Yesterday, the kids helped Josh put together at least 6 pieces of furniture...kind of like giant lego projects, I suppose!

Caleb:  In an attempt to save my sanity, I asked the kids to each pick a dinner and help me plan for it.  Caleb had just tasted a nibble of these BBQ meatballs at Trader Joe's and was desperate to make them at home...a tad on the spicy side, but for the most part, a hit!

Lucas:  I'm pretty sure I posted a similar picture in December when he first mastered the two-wheel bike sans training wheels, but he asked me to take a picture of his new helmet and that smile just melts my heart.

Eden:  Stickers, again!  Also, needed to remind myself that she's not always walking around tearing the house apart...

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